Sunday, June 28, 2009

Schools out baby!

These past few weeks have been kind of stressful not knowing if I was going to be able to keep my job teaching in the city. Unfortunately there were 200 teacher lay offs, but luckily I was not one of them. I know that life always presents challenges and lessons for us to grow and learn from, and we don't always know what path we may have to walk down, but I really really like the path I'm on and just wanted to wander for a few more miles anyway :)

Another exciting adventure was getting my new tattoo!! I realize it's one of those things that people may have grown accustomed to seeing as part of our fashion/culture, but every day I look at it I am still amazed it hasn't washed off..

(my spider tattoo)

The symbolism behind the tattoo is personal, but it's kind of got 2 meanings. The first, is that being that I am a spinner I feel an affinity towards spiders and the story of the weaver Arachne always intrigued me. The second meaning is that this year has been a challenging one and I wanted the web to be similar to a dream catcher, and catch all the good that comes my way in life and let the bad things pass through. That's why there is a trebble clef caught in the web, it represents Greg and how he is a good thing that has come into my life :)

Here is a preview of my summer to do list:
- Relax!
- hang out with Greg and do fun things
- hang out with family and friends
- Finish knitting 3 projects; fish gloves (90% done), sleeves in your pi-shawl (20% done), and random scrap yarn scarf (25% done)
- Spin wool for my purple/yellow sweater (I know it sounds weird, but trust me this is going to be a cool exercise in color!)
- Teach classes and people about knitting/spinning
- work on the house like painting the downstairs and upstairs bathrooms
- write a spinning article for spin off magazine
- start writing my how-to-dye book to get the colors you want
- submit a workshop proposal for Rhinebeck for next year

I will post pictures of knitting/spinning progress and any other good news worth sharing!


  1. Happy Birthday to you
    Happy Birthday to you
    Happy Birthday Alanna
    Happy Birthday to you!
    I owe you a birthday gelato!
