Friday, May 29, 2009

3 weeks and counting

Okay, had to get that out of the way first. I have mixed emotions about the summer almost being here. As you may/may not know, the Rochester City School District is planning on laying off 200+ teachers and I am not sure if I am in the mix yet or not, will know in the next few weeks. That being said, I am looking forward to the road ahead, even if I can't exactly tell yet where it's leading me.

Things that I hope to accomplish this summer:
- Get a tattoo (so excited! 6/19/09)
- Celebrate lots of positives like birthdays, graduations, weddings, babies (come to think of it all in the next month!)
- Write my how-to-dye manual
- Study in Canada
- Love and be loved
- Catch up with friends and to-do lists
- Enjoy the warmth and no snow!
- Lose 10-15 more lbs and keep it off for the year ;)
- other things that I know are on my mind I just can't yet think of them...

The dwarven battle bonnet has been knitted (the helmet part) and I am going to spin the white wool to dye soon, pictures to follow.

I am also teaching the following workshops :
6/14/09 knitting machien demo - yarn boutique 1230-130
6/21/09 entrelac technique - yarn boutique 1230-230
7/5/09 mitered square technique - yarn boutqiue 1230-230
7/20 & 7/22 beginning crochet for children - villiage yarn and fiber shop (ages 10+) 10-12
7/25/09 knitting machien demo - yarn boutique 1230-130
7/27 & 7/29 beginning knitting for children - villiage yarn and fiber shop (ages 10+) 10-12
8/3 & 8/5 beginning drop spindling for children - villiage yarn and fiber shop (ages 10+) 10-12

more workshops dates/times to be posted soon.

1 comment:

  1. SO COOL! What a great summer.....that is great that you are teaching, you are such a good teacher....and a GOOD friend...hope to carve out some time to hang out soon and through the summer....maybe there is a Mona Lisa Cafe trip for some gelato soon, unless we are referred to as M'am! LOL!
    I got your text....sorry I didn't get back to busy packing....ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!
